Sharing Jesus with Others: Seeing People Healed
We get to participate in Jesus healing people of addictions, relationships, guilt and shame, and physical health. Being a part of transforming someone’s life allows us to share Jesus through the process.
Sharing Jesus with Others: Serving People
Serving people in everyday life opens up opportunities for us to show others the goodness and grace of Jesus in tangible ways.
Sharing Jesus with others: Loving Broken People
Loving people in the midst of trials in their lives often opens up opportunities to share Jesus with them, and ultimately offers them healing in Christ.
Sharing Jesus with Others: Sharing Your Story
Sharing the stories of how Jesus has intersected your life, impacting and changing you, is one of the most powerful ways you can share Jesus with others.
The Church Pt. 13
The Church Is Built On the Word of God : Acts 15
The Church submits to the Word of God. Since Scripture alone is inspired it is the final judge of tradition and culture.
The Church Pt. 12
Join Generations Church and Pastor Joey Venegas as we see God's desires for His church in Acts 13.
The Church Pt. 11
Join Generations Church as we discover that the Church is called to truly believe the truth that we proclaim.
The Church Pt. 10
Join Generations Church as we examine Acts 10 and discover that the Church is God's means for fulfilling His promise to bless all the nations through the gospel of His promised Savior Jesus Christ.
The Church pt. 9
Join Generations Church and Pastor Jeff Ludington as we study Acts 9.
The Church Pt. 8
Join Generations Church and Pastor Jeff Ludington for Acts ch. 8
The Church Pt. 7
Join Generations and Pastor Jeff Ludington as we explore the truth of Acts 6-7.
The Church Pt. 6
Join guest Pastor Vinnie Hanke as we examine Acts 5:17-6:7 and see that the imperfect church will persevere.