Meet the Team
Equipping the church for the work of ministryGenerations Church is led by elders and served by deacons. Our elder team is comprised of men who volunteer their time to care for the people of Generations and staff pastors who oversee the mission of multiplying disciples, leaders, and churches. Our deacon team is comprised of men and women who attend to the day-to-day needs, administrative responsibilities, and crisis situations of the Generations community.
The leadership of Generations aims to see every participant of the church community equipped for ministry and exercising his or her God-given gifts for the common good (Ephesians 4:11-16; 1 Corinthians 12:4-7).
Jeff Ludington
Jon Detlefsen
John Evenhouse
John McLurg
Amaury Rosario
Edwin & Ashley Baires
Nancy Duncan
Casey & Yvette Staggs