
Is Loving Jesus Enough?

Is loving Jesus enough to be a Christian? Or, is more required of me?

Risen – Life Impacted by a Living Jesus (Easter 2016)

What would make such a difference in your life today, that it would make you want to learn about Jesus all year long, and give your life to following Him?

Fresh Start – Confession and Worship

Our faith is never perfect. Our best practice is to recognize our brokenness, and then focus our eyes on Jesus, the only perfect example.

Fresh Start – Worship and Repentance

We should look to God's Law/Word for strength & guidance and we should respond to His strength and guidance with worship that honors God and unites His Church.

Fresh Start – Great Accomplishments Through Everyday People

When we as a church serve our community faithfully we can have a great impact by allowing what we have to be multiplied by Jesus for his glory.

Fresh Start – Opposition in the Community

Jesus calls us to be a light to our community. However, we tend to think that because Jesus is sending us, we will not have struggles. We will all face struggles, even when following the will of God.

Fresh Start – Sent To Our Community

As Christians we are “sent” to our community on behalf of Christ. Each follower of Jesus is uniquely gifted and plays an integral role.

Fresh Start – In Our Home

As followers of Jesus the most important thing we can pass on to our children is a life devoted to Christ. Our homes will influence our families more than anything else.

Fresh Start – Trusting God Means Stepping Out

God is able to do amazing things in our lives even when the problems are beyond our human ability. When we find ourselves overwhelmed, there are “first steps” we can take.

Fresh Start – Opposition to Change

Growing in faith often comes with great resistance. The goal of Christian faith is becoming like Jesus. We didn’t become “unlike Jesus” overnight, and we don’t become “like Jesus” instantly either. It is a lifetime of change.