Generations Giving
Generations Giving: Malachi 1:6-11, 3:6-12
Jesus calls us to give our best in all areas of our life (worship, service, finances, etc.). As a response to His sacrifice for us, we give to the work of the gospel.
Generations Serving
Jesus saves you into his family, the church. Every believer needs the church. The church needs every believer. And Jesus calls the church to love one another as he has loved through service & sacrifice.
Generations Community
Ephesians 4:1–16 : Generations Community
Jesus calls us to live in true community with one another as a response to the gospel. This is what belonging to a community groups is all about.
Generations Worship
Gathering together corporately allows us to hear from God, offer our sacrifice, confess and be forgiven, and share God’s goodness through Christ Jesus with one another.
Easter Sunday
Easter 2018 - Romans 5 & 6
In a world so filled with death, we need life. The Easter message is that Jesus has gone from death to life, and he invites us to do the same.
Good Friday
Good Friday 2018 - Exodus 12
A look at how the Passover in the Old Testament points toward the cross of Jesus. God passes over our sin and shame rather than taking judgement on us because Jesus died on the cross for us.
Proverbs – Part 12
“Relationship to the World” : Proverbs 19
Jesus calls us to live in such a way that others see Jesus in us, and want to follow Him as we do.
Proverbs – Part 11
If Jesus is Lord of our hearts, then Jesus is Lord of our homes. Proverbs 17, 23, 30
Proverbs – Part 10
Being a Wise Disciple : Proverbs 13
A disciple’s relationship to wisdom begins in a posture of humility. Jesus calls every one of us to be pliable and teachable.
Proverbs – Part 9
“Relationship to God” - Proverbs 2:1-20
The key to a life marked by wisdom is the heart. A life deeply in love with God will result in a life of wisdom and faith.
Proverbs – Part 8
Proverbs 31 : A Godly Woman
A godly woman is a follower of Jesus, a lover of her husband, and a faithful mother to her children. Her beauty, value, and image, are found in Christ alone.
Proverbs – Part 7
The manhood of Proverbs is marked by character, strength, and action (Proverbs 4:1-13, Proverbs 15:18-33, Proverbs 28:18-28). Yet our aim is neither manhood nor wisdom but Jesus Christ, “the power of God and the wisdom of God” (1 Corinthians 1:24).