The Church Pt. 24
As Christ’s Church, we are a people that others can run to in times of need and a safe place when the storms of life are overwhelming.
The Church Pt. 23
The church is made up of steadfast suffering storytellers
The Church Pt. 22
The Church is a needed voice in culture, but due to our failure to remain distinct, we have lost this. To be valued again in society we will need to relearn how to think, speak, and act.
The Church Pt. 21
The Church must rise above the negativity of culture. We are accountable to God for our words, actions, and attitudes.
The Church Pt. 20
The Church is people in constant need of change and repentance of sin as we strive to look more and more like Jesus.
The Church Pt. 19
The Church is called to obey Jesus faithfully even when the calling is challenging or painful. Trusting Jesus this way allows Him to be glorified through you.
The Church Pt. 18
Because Christ purchased us with His death, we need to understand the calling of the church is greater than our personal desires.
The Church – Pt. 17
The Church is a community of transformed people, and when transformed people engaged locally they see entire cities changed to glorify God.
The Church Pt. 16
The Church is Christ’s messenger to the entire world, not just those who are like us. This often takes us beyond where we are comfortable.
The Church Pt. 15
The Church is called to engage the culture we live in. We are responsible for how we share Christ with others, but we cannot control the outcome.
The Church Pt. 14
Join Generations Church as we see the Church is a family of misfit missionaries.
Sharing Jesus with Others: Sharing Jesus from Scripture
Join Generations Church and Pastor Joey Venegas as we examine how to share Jesus from scripture.