
Time Talent Treasure Pt. 1

Time - Ecclesiastes 3:1-17
Humanity is created to glorify God in our time. That means living life prioritizing our time in ways that accomplish all we are created to do.

What is Worship?

We worship God in Spirit and in Truth.

Waiting for Jesus in a Chaotic World Pt. 4

Join Pastor Vinnie and Generations Church as we find out that the grace of God can save anyone from anywhere from anything at anytime.

Waiting for Jesus in a Chaotic World Pt. 3

The birth of Jesus as Savior, Christ and Lord makes outsiders become insiders.

Waiting for Jesus in a Chaotic World Pt. 2

What is your reaction to the news of Jesus birth?

Waiting for Jesus in a Chaotic World – Pt. 1

What are you hoping and waiting for this Christmas? Is it for Christ to make Himself more present to you? Anything else is misplaced hope. Any other waiting and longing will inevitably disappoint.

The Church Pt. 25

The church is called to be faithful to the mission of God.

The Church Pt. 24

As Christ’s Church, we are a people that others can run to in times of need and a safe place when the storms of life are overwhelming.

The Church Pt. 23

The church is made up of steadfast suffering storytellers

The Church Pt. 22

The Church is a needed voice in culture, but due to our failure to remain distinct, we have lost this. To be valued again in society we will need to relearn how to think, speak, and act.

The Church Pt. 21

The Church must rise above the negativity of culture. We are accountable to God for our words, actions, and attitudes.

The Church Pt. 20

The Church is people in constant need of change and repentance of sin as we strive to look more and more like Jesus.