
Our God Saves: Isaiah 9b-10

Many only view God as loving and gracious. The Bible clearly affirms those attributes, but also shows God’s anger and judgement. The purpose of God’s wrath or judgement is to triumph over sin.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 9

The promise God proclaimed through Isaiah was the that corruption and oppression of the nations would be brought to an end through Jesus.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 8

God’s people are distinct but not distant from the world.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 7-8a

We live in a time similar to that of ancient Judah and Israel, where as a divided nation we often trust in human leadership more than God. God’s warning to the people through Isaiah is a warning to us as well.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 6

Isaiah gives us a clear picture of the gospel and what our response should be. It also contains a warning about the dangers of a cultural religious practice void of true repentance and faith.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 5

God has planted people in this world like a vineyard. The natural outcome should be healthy growth, but sometimes God’s people are like rotten fruit.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 3-4

God will remove anything that stands between himself and his people, even their own pride and possession.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 2

Isaiah calls God’s people back to true worship beginning with the removal of anything that hinders their (or our) faith in God.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 1

God is calling His people to learn what it really means to repent and live as true followers of the living God. Anything else is unacceptable.

Grand Opening

God has placed us in Cerritos to seek the welfare of the city by praying and serving our community.

Time Talent Treasure Pt. 3

We exist as members of a local church to use our talents together as one healthy body. We all suffer when we do not all participate with one another.

Time Talent Treasure Pt. 2

Our finances, maybe second only to our time, reveals where our heart really is. A heart for God results in obedience in our finances.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21