Sermon Series: Exodus

Exodus – God In The Wilderness

God leads His followers to places where He can reveal Himself to us. This revelation always calls us to respond in greater obedience.

Exodus – Dependence and Provision

As Christians we believe that God not only provides for our needs, but He also provides opportunity to grow our faith and obedience. God’s provision doesn’t always look the way we might want or expect it to, but it is always for our good.

Exodus – Seeing God’s Bigger Plan

Trusting God has a bigger plan even though I cannot see it.

Exodus – Finding God In Tragedy and Pain

We cannot see all that is happening, especially in hard times. As followers of Jesus we are to trust that God really has a plan, and that He is faithful.

Exodus – When The Going Gets Tough

The reason we have a trouble seeing God in the hard times might be because we are too busy looking at our own situations, with our own timelines, and wanting our own circumstances to get better instead of looking for God’s purposes to be accomplished.

Exodus – Not You, But God

As followers of Jesus, it isn’t about our abilities or talents. It is about who God is and what He can do through you to reveal Himself to others.

Exodus – “Let Me Introduce Myself: I Am”

Christians are defined by Jesus greatest moments, not by our worst moments. When we are called to action it is God who equips us and ensures our success.

Exodus – Where Are You God?

When we think God is no where to be found, He is still present. God is always near us, and might even be orchestrating things we cannot even see yet. 
Finding God in the journey means looking to see Him when times are tough.