
King of Peace – Part 4

Jesus, the King of Righteousness and the King of Peace, is a high priest forever.
This is good news if you’re tired of broken leaders, broken promises, and broken laws.

King of Peace – Part 3

Jesus entered into God’s presence as both mediator and sacrifice: as mediator Jesus made peace between God and His Children, as sacrifice He bore our penalty and removed our sin from us.

King Of Peace – Part 2

A Christian is not someone born into a Christian family or follows a set of doctrines and rules. A Christian is someone who follows the Person of Jesus Christ the Son of God.

King of Peace – Part 1

Jesus is the Word of God, the clearest revelation of God, and the King Eternal of Heaven.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 11

Every story of faith has highs and lows. When things other than God take center stage in our heart we drift away. God has always provided a clear path back to Him, and the promise of a loving Father awaiting our return.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 10

So, today, I want to focus on Samson as a man of great faith. A man who’s life can be viewed as a type, a picture of our Lord, Jesus Christ.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 9

How can your faith help strengthen you, help you persevere, and even experience something beyond your wildest expectations?

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 8

We all have biases, sometimes overt, and other times more subtle and hard to see. Our faith calls us to see people the way God sees them, and to act in a way that glorifies God. Racism works its way in when biases are left unchecked.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 7

Redemption is “regaining possession of something lost in exchange for a payment.” We all have brokenness and pain in our lives from wrongdoing (ours or someone else’s). Redemption in Jesus purchases back what we have lost.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 6

What is the difference between living a moral life (a life of good morals, values, etc.), and living a life that is Christ-centered?

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 5

When Jesus sat with the twelve at the final Passover meal, he did more than just proclaim his impending death. Jesus unfolded to the disciples something God had done more than 1500 years before (3500 years ago), and why it is relevant today.

Stories of the Old Testament – Part 4

Spotting or seeing the injustice, immoral, and lawlessness behavior of a person or nation is the easy part. In fact you don't even need to be a christian to do so. How we respond to the immoral, injustice, and lawlessness will give more insight on our own lives over their actions