
Our God Saves: Isaiah 22

Death is a reality we all face. How we live is a choice we all make. Do we see death as a part of God’s plan, and grace as the way we are to all live? Or, do we take this life for granted and waste it on things that cannot last?

Our God Saves: Isaiah 21

God’s people throughout history struggle with trusting in earthly things more than trusting in God. All of us [especially husbands and fathers] are to watch over ourselves and our families to see where we are truly placing our hope.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 19-20

God has provided a way that any person–from any background–can be made whole in Christ. Unfortunately, redemption and healing are often birthed out of humiliation and despair.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 17-18

The Bible says repeatedly that every person who ever lived will eventually bow their knee before the one true God Jesus Christ. If we believe that to be true, what will we place our confidence in until we meet Him?

Our God Saves: Isaiah 15-16

Repentance is the turning from anything opposed to God’s best plan for us and running from it. Repentance ushers grace into our lives and restores our soul. No true Christian faith exists apart from ongoing repentance.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 14

God opposes the proud and gives grace to the humble.

Mother’s Day 2019

The gospel of Jesus Christ enables us to truly honor our mothers.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 13

When everything in life (economic, political, spiritual, mental, and emotional) all seem like they are corrupt and unable to be fixed, we are comforted by knowing that Jesus has overcome the world.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 12

Isaiah pauses to worship God in light of His promises of salvation, just as we are commanded to worship. In reflection to all God accomplished through Christ we need to stop and give God what He is due in worship.

Easter 2019

Easter celebrates Jesus rising from death. John’s Gospel shares several reactions to the Resurrection, and calls us to identify ourselves in the story by asking what our response is to the living Jesus.

Palm Sunday 2019

Jesus is the King who comes to Rescue and bless his people.

Our God Saves: Isaiah 11

Equally as powerful as John describes in Revelation, Isaiah describes the future reign of Jesus. Isaiah takes us from humble beginnings, to power, justice, and absolute peace. We often view Jesus’ eternal reign to be other-worldly, but the Bible shows us an image of this world redeemed.