Our God Saves: Isaiah 40
COMFORT GOD’S PEOPLE [700-600-500]
Isaiah 40 takes us 200 years forward in time to the end of the Babylonian captivity. God offers comfort to a new generation who is willing to be obedient. Will we be an obedient generation or not?
Our God Saves: Isaiah 38-39
In moments of personal pain and tempting pleasure it can be easy to
doubt God’s goodness and to forget our allegiance to Him. We must remember it is Jesus faithfulness to us and not our faithfulness to him that is the guarantee of our salvation.
Our God Saves: Isaiah 36-37
Christians face many battles against culture, sin, and self, as well as against a spiritual enemy in Satan. Isaiah provides an account of a great battle so we can learn to face challenges with unwavering faith in God.
5th Sunday Corporate Communion
Our God Saves: Isaiah 34-35
There are really only two kinds of people in this world, those whose final outcome will be to incur the eternal judgment of God and those whose final outcome will be to enjoy the eternal peace of salvation with God.
Our God Saves: Isaiah 33
When all around us we see corruption and division in our world, Isaiah 33 provides a view of what God does when people and/or nations repent and return to Jesus. Hope, healing, and redemption, are attributes of Christ’s Kingdom beginning here on earth and completed in eternity.
Our God Saves: Isaiah 31-32
We all struggle to trust in God and not in human ability. God promises faithfulness and blessing to those (individually and nationally) who trust in Him alone.
Jonah 4
With all that's in you do your best to see your life in Jonah's
Jonah 3
Every Christian serves as an emblem of the resurrected life that comes as a gracious gift of God. We are a trophy of God’s amazing and far reaching grace.
Jonah 2
When the Lord heavily afflicts us, it is a legitimate and seasonable time for prayer. It is out of our own experience of Grace in these times of affliction that we are able to share Gospel Hope with others.
Jonah 1
God is not a reluctant missionary.
Our God Saves: Isaiah 30
Every generation is tempted to find ways to rescue ourselves from the impact of sin in the world, attempting save ourselves from pain and death. Only by turning to God in repentance and resting in His grace can we find salvation.