Recap Isaiah 8:1-22 “Living Distinctly as God’s People”
God calls people of faith to live differently than the rest of the world. Christians are to ask ourselves how influenced by the world we are, and how we need to return to God in faith.
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Isaiah RECAP: The Vineyard of the Lord
God uses a parable about a vineyard to teach the people of God about their obedience. Instead of healthy growth, God’s people are often like rotten fruit.
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The Path to Jesus – Acts 9
If we believe that Jesus lived, died, and rose from the grave, how can we live unaffected by that truth?
Finding God In Tragedy – Exodus 11-12
We can't always see God in hard times, but we can trust that God has a plan for His glory and for our good.
God Will Provide – Genesis 22
Testing in the Bible reveals people's faith and God's character in new ways.
It’s Not Your Treasure To Bury: Worship
Christians typically worship on their own terms: give what is financially convenient, attend and serve only when nothing else interferes, and keep the gospel message to themselves. Then we wonder why God isn't more present and powerful. Our worship must be obedient to what God has called us to.
It’s Not Your Treasure to Bury
God has given everyone the same amount of hours in their day. As followers of Jesus we see time as something that has a purpose to it. We should make time to glorify God, and to enjoy what He has created
It’s Not Your Treasure To Bury
God’s Elect (those who God has redeemed in Christ) live a world that is not our own. We need to be obedient people who know that the world is watching us. Our obedience to God is our loudest witness to a world in need of Christ.
It’s Not Your Treasure to Bury
Making disciples (teaching others about Jesus), and being a disciple (a student of Jesus), is embedded in the “Great Commission.” The expectation is that every Christian will live that out. The lack of discipleship today is why the church is lacking in so many ways.
It’s Not Your Treasure To Bury
The final words of Jesus in the Gospels and Acts emphasize sending us into the world as messengers to proclaim the gospel (Mark), make disciples (Matthew), baptize (Matthew & Mark), and that the Holy Spirit empowers us for this gospel work (Luke, John, & Acts). The gospel is to be shared, not buried.
It’s Not Your Treasure To Bury
Every Christian has gifts, abilities, or talents, that are from God. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we are to be a part of one local church body where those “gifts” are used in mutuality to one another, and together for the Kingdom.