Revelation 2:1-11 – Call to Loving Endurance
Jesus Speaks to the Churches
Jesus reveals himself uniquely to each local church and speaks to them according to their particular needs. Jesus is who we need, when we need him.
Revelation 1:9-20 – Revealing Christ to the Church
Jesus appears among the churches calling them to endure the tribulation before them so that the light of the Kingdom of Christ can shine out to others.
Revelation 1:1-8 – A Letter to Seven Churches
Jesus Speaks to Churches
Jesus reveals both himself and his message to bless churches so they will hear and obey [vs. 3]. Obedience implies the understanding and ability to live it out.
1 Timothy 5:1 – 6:3 “Disciplining Members”
Paul reveals three active struggles inside the Ephesian church, showing us how biblical care and discipline in the church works to restore people to Jesus.
1 Timothy 4:1-16 – “Belonging to the House of God”
The next two weeks deal with our responsibilities as the church. This week focuses on how we are equipped to what we are called to do as a family of God.
1 Timothy 3
1 Timothy 3
1 Timothy 3 – Called to Leadership
We discourage mediocrity in almost all ares of life, yet we readily accept being lukewarm in our faith. We are called to desire maturity in gospel growth.
1 Timothy 2
Specific Needs and Universal Truths
Paul’s letter to Timothy cites specific issues in the Ephesian church’s worship, and corrects them with gospel truths that apply to the church throughout history.
1 Timothy 1 – Sound Doctrine
One of the distinguishing marks of a true church is sound doctrine. Orthodoxy (right belief) leads to orthopraxy (right living).
Colossians 4 – Living Out Our Lives With One Another
Living out our lives with one another:
As Paul continues to give instructions, he finishes this letter with greetings from those around him who were actually living out their lives with “ONE ANOTHER”.
Colossians 3:1-17 – True Faith
A follower of Jesus is one who prioritizes Jesus in all things, loves Jesus’s family (local church), talks to him in prayer often, and listens to him (Scripture) regularly.
Colossians 1-2 – “The Body of Christ”
Colossians 1-2 - “The Body of Christ”