Psalm 1:1-6 “Walk This Way”
Psalms 1:1-6
“There Are Only 2 Roads As It Pertains To Our Eternity. To Be In The Lord Is To Blessed, To Be Apart From Him, Is To Be Cursed!”
1.The 1st Road Is To Be Blessed In Christ. (vv. 1-3)
2.The 2nd Road Is To Be Cursed Apart From Christ. (vv. 4-6)
Psalms 16
Psalms 16
Psalm 37
Psalm 37
Psalms 2
Psalms 2
Deuteronomy 5-6: “Teaching the Next Generation”
A Family of Families
We will intentionally pass on our faith to the next generation of disciples and leaders, by being a family of families together, so that we fulfill the calling of God on each and every one of us.
1 John 3: “New Year’s Resolution”
New Year’s Resolution:
Let’s start living our lives by listening and doing what pleases God regardless of what we think or how we feel.
Christmas Service – The Humility Of Jesus
The Humility of Jesus
Jesus did what you and I would never do, to accomplish what we could never accomplish. Jesus lowered himself to us, so we could be lifted up to God.
Advent Genesis 3
The first promise ever given about Christmas was spoken by God to Satan. God promised that a child would come and to have victory over Satan.
Advent: John 1 – The Word Became Flesh
Christmas celebrates the eternal Jesus giving us the opportunity to be in God’s family. It is more about your rebirth than simply the birth of Jesus; it is about salvation and the gospel reaching out to the lost.
Revelation 3:14-22 “Be Zealous”
Jesus speaks to the church in Laodicea, calling them to be completely in for the gospel. Being zealous for Christ is the only acceptable way to live for Jesus.
Revelation 3:1-13 “I Know Your Works”
Salvation is a free gift to us from God. However, the required response is to join Jesus in the mission (work) prescribed to us in Scripture. Works reveal belief.
Revelations 2:12-29 “Syncretism”
A blending of theological, philosophical, or cultural, schools of thought that ultimately changes what we have. Jesus plus anything else is not biblical Christianity.