James 4:1-12 – “Worldly Living vs. Godly Living”

A Couple of Applications

For myself; I want to spend much more time lamenting my sin, that I might draw nearer to God and so bind my passions with His wisdom, and have more grace for those around me

For our Seasoned Christians; You are the ones we are looking to on how to regulate our passions with Godly Wisdom. How are you passing along that knowledge?

For our New Believers; You are now in covent with God. You have broken up with the world. Keep pressing in, find those ahead of you in this walk, and hold fast learning to gain and use Godly wisdom in regulating your heart.

For our Families; How are you living a life as a family that is in covent with God? Relationally, in your priorities, how you influence the world around you/

For our non believers; This world and its wisdom wants to fight, murder and take. But there is hope. There is a savior, a God who gives knowledge, wisdom and calls us to a life fulfilled. Would today be the day you hear the call of God and repent and believe in Jesus Christ.