Our God Saves: Isaiah 2
Isaiah calls God’s people back to true worship beginning with the removal of anything that hinders their (or our) faith in God.
Our God Saves: Isaiah 1
God is calling His people to learn what it really means to repent and live as true followers of the living God. Anything else is unacceptable.
Grand Opening
God has placed us in Cerritos to seek the welfare of the city by praying and serving our community.
Time Talent Treasure Pt. 3
We exist as members of a local church to use our talents together as one healthy body. We all suffer when we do not all participate with one another.
Time Talent Treasure Pt. 2
Our finances, maybe second only to our time, reveals where our heart really is. A heart for God results in obedience in our finances.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” -Matthew 6:21
Time Talent Treasure Pt. 1
Time - Ecclesiastes 3:1-17
Humanity is created to glorify God in our time. That means living life prioritizing our time in ways that accomplish all we are created to do.
Waiting for Jesus in a Chaotic World – Pt. 1
What are you hoping and waiting for this Christmas? Is it for Christ to make Himself more present to you? Anything else is misplaced hope. Any other waiting and longing will inevitably disappoint.
The Church Pt. 24
As Christ’s Church, we are a people that others can run to in times of need and a safe place when the storms of life are overwhelming.
The Church Pt. 22
The Church is a needed voice in culture, but due to our failure to remain distinct, we have lost this. To be valued again in society we will need to relearn how to think, speak, and act.
The Church Pt. 21
The Church must rise above the negativity of culture. We are accountable to God for our words, actions, and attitudes.