Sermon Series: Celebrate

Celebrate – Part 6

Living in God’s Spiritual Kingdom frees us to pursue God’s holiness in our lives and in the lives of others.

Celebrate – Part 5

Communion reminds us that Jesus has come. The advent of Jesus resets our picture of humanity, restores our everyday experience, and redeems our sin & brokenness.

Celebrate – Part 4

God’s love revealed in Jesus’ coming is covenantal, unconditional, adoptive, affectionate, personal, sacrificial, present, secure, initiating, and practical.

Advent is a season of preparing room in our hearts for Jesus by rehearsing the gospel story each day. It can be a season of renewal and recalibration as we reorient, and reset life to revolve around God’s Story. Some call this ‘re-storying our hearts (J.K. A. Smith).’ Hope of the Second Advent ‘restories’ our hearts to live in the darkness of now, with the hope, joy, peace, and love.

Celebrate – Part 3

Following Jesus does not guarantee a life free from pain or struggle, nor does it mean living now just waiting for eternity. Faith in Christ means finding our joy in Him no matter what life looks like.

Celebrate – Part 2

The coming of Jesus is a message of God’s peace by God’s grace through God’s promised one who transforms his people into followers of Jesus who graciously pursue peace with others.

Celebrate – Part 1

Jesus was born in the flesh so that we might see God. Through being made alive in Him (spiritually born) we have an inheritance reserved in heaven, a living hope guaranteed to us by Christ.