Sermon Book: Philippians

Christmas Service – The Humility Of Jesus

The Humility of Jesus

Jesus did what you and I would never do, to accomplish what we could never accomplish. Jesus lowered himself to us, so we could be lifted up to God.

Philippians 4

Philippians 4

Philippians 3:1-21 – Walking With God

Philippians 3:1-21 “Walking With God”
I. The Way Paul Walked (1-6) Doing Good For The Wrong Reasons
II. The Way Others Walk (18-20) Living Bad For Selfish Reasons
III. Walking With Jesus (7-17)
A) Walk with Perspective (7-9)
B) Walk with Purpose (12-16)
C) Walk with People (17-19)

Philippians 2 – Learning How To Live Like Jesus

Philippians 2 - Learning How To Live Like Jesus

Philippians 1 – Living in Jesus

Living for Jesus means living with joy.

1:3-4: I thank my God in all remembrance of you, 4 always, in every prayer of mine for you all, making my prayer with joy...

Who Is This? (Advent 2021) Jesus: Proclaimed By Angels – Luke 2:1-13

Who is This? Jesus Proclaimed by Angels, Luke 2:1-13

Jesus entrance into human flesh, while humble and understated, was also heralded by an angelic host proclaiming him to be The Christ of God.

Who Is This? (Advent 2021) Jesus: Born in Humility – Philippians 1:18 – 2:18

Jesus: Born in Humility - Philippians 1:18 - 2:18

The birth of Christ is about God becoming flesh and blood so that all humanity can be restored to God.