Generations Family,

I am so excited to be back to work, back in the office, and back preaching this coming Sunday (on July 4th even!!!).

I want to thank you for a couple of things. First I took most of June off, and all of you were so kind and encouraging, and allowed me a great time of space and rest with my wife. Each person I talked to was more than eager to give me time off and talk or meet when I got back. That is so rare for pastors, and I really appreciated your support of my getting a break!

The second thing was your warm embrace of our teachers while I was out. We had mostly leaders from our church and one pastor friend of mine who has been at our church before through his parachurch ministry Family Table LA. You all welcomed them and opened yourself up to a variety of teaching styles and voices. I really appreciate your hospitality and care.

I wanted to let you know I am excited to be back in the pulpit this Sunday and invite you to join me. I know this has been a long hard season through CoVid. I am reminded of the words of the author of Hebrews, “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” [10:24-25]

I know many of us have built new rhythms and habits of live streaming but let us celebrate this 4th of July together worshiping corporately once again.

Pastor Jeff