ACTS 13:2-3
“As they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.’” Then after they had fasted, prayed, and laid hands on them, they sent them off.”
Last Sunday night several of us met and discussed what we were reading in Acts. One thing that keeps coming up is the emphasis of prayer and fasting when Christians gather together. We all admitted that fasting is not a regular part of our practice of faith, and that corporate times of prayer are not done regularly either. There was a desire to recommit to these spiritual practices.
A second issue we talked about was the pattern that Christians have always struggled with, from the church in Acts until today, learning something and not practicing it.
As we begin a fundraising campaign to finish our renewal of our building, fasting and prayer is needed. It isn’t about attempting to control the outcome of capital campaign by “divine practices” that ensure success, but rather aligning ourselves with God by submitting ourselves to Him in new ways. We want to fast and pray together as a church.
Would you join us for a 24 hour fast?
We will be fasting as a church from 6pm on Monday November 29th, 2021, until 6pm Tuesday November 30th, 2021. This 24 hour fast would be abstaining from all food for two meals that day, and committing to praying during those two meal times. Of course, you are encouraged to pray throughout the day as well!
WHY TUESDAY 11-30-21?
We choose fasting on that day because it is national giving day, and we will be launching our fundraising campaign publicly. We would ask you to not only fast, but during your day to be praying for our fundraising campaign.
Our whole church is being invited to participate in “Giving Tuesday” by promoting Generations Church to others. What a great day to start fasting and praying as a church together. We can do this as a family of believers together, even though we will not physically meet together.
So, again, will you take the challenge to put actions to our study and join us in fasting next week for 24 hours?